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How to increase Blog page viewers

1. Rich content : 

If you are a reader and follow our blog then you might heard about quality content . Many new bloggers face this difficulty . Initially new bloggers don't have specified subjects or topics . As a result they have only few posts which are not optimized for SEO . They don't receive good amount of traffic .
The solution for this problem for new bloggers is start your blog with 15 posts and try to increase traffic through social media . Write your posts with atleast 500-1000 words .

When your blog has about 50 articles theit gets popular and displays in top search results . New bloggers should initially improve their traffic by sharing their content in facebook, twitter etc .

2. Interlink posts :

Interlinking is the best technique to increase blog pageview . Even Wikipedia uses this technique to increase pageviews . When you start a new post try to interlink the post with previous posts by using proper anchor text . Interlinking helps in increasing pageviews and also helps in improving readership .
Interlinking is the best method employed to reduce bounce rate of blog and to increase crawl rate of the blog .

3. Use Related Post Widget :

Whenever you write a new post for your blog , tag it with keyword of the article Label . When you use related post widget the posts related to the label are shown . When visitor completes reading the post he/she starts exploring the blog using related post widget .As a result blog pageviews and traffic increase . Always use related post widget after the post and before the comments .

4. Giveaway something :

To make your online business successful you need to give away something useful for free . Most of the professional blogger use this technique to increase readers . If you are a new blogger then create and e-book for free . For creating an e-book no special technical skill are requires . You can create an e-book in Microsoft word . Once you start promoting this e-book in social media then your blog starts increasing blog pageviews and traffic .   

5. Write Series of articles :

Just like a serials in TV shows you can split your posts to multiple posts depending on the article . Always lengthy posts are suggested for top ranking in search results . For example you have written a post with 15,000 word . Then instead of publishing it in one post you can split it into 5 or 6 posts . This method is followed by probloggers . Writing series of articles increases number of posts published . It mainly increases Blog pageviews and blog traffic which reduces the bounce rate of the blog .

6. Use search box :

Using search box is the best trick for visitors to start exploring into your blog . Most of the bloggers don't use search box , which is provided by Google . Once the visitor completereading the post to know more about old posts search box is required . Adding search box for your blog increase pageviews and traffic.

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