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AdSense Experiments To Boost Your Earnings

Turn Your 300 x 250Ads Into A 300 x 600Ads

When establishing your initial AdSense layout, most websites include a 300 x 250 medium rectangle. That’s a smart move; it’s one of the standard units that every advertiser creates, meaning that you’ll have a lot of demand for that segment. There could be an opportunity, however, to increase earnings by converting your medium rectangle into a much larger rectangle–a 300 x 600 to be exact. That switch more than doubles the size of the ad, and–all else being equal–should lead to higher click-thru rates than the smaller 300×250 unit.

Move Your Ad Links Unit To The Nav Bar

If you weren’t already aware, Google allows up to three link units per page. If you aren’t using these on your site, you should probably start; link units are an easy, non-obtrusive way to boost your overall CPM by $1 or more.
Sites that are actively monetizing through link units tend to put them at the end of content. Experiment with giving these link units more prominent placements; you may even want to try throwing them just under your nav bar so that every visitor who comes to your site will see them. (When buried below the fold, link units will only be seen by a small percentage of your visitors.)
You’ll have a nav bar that looks something like this:

Move Ad Units Within Content

In a similar vein, many sites tend to keep content and ads completely separate (e.g., ads in the sidebar next to the content). If your site’s layout and structure permit it, try integrating ads and content together. Without trying to do anything too sneaky, there’s an opportunity to put relevant ads in a place where your visitors can’t help but notice them.
Try sprinkling ad units and link units in with your high quality content, effectively disrupting your users’ digestion of your content with a presentation of ads. There is a bit of a trade-off here with frustrating some readers, but the inconvenience is pretty minimal and may result in a nice jump in revenue.

Text and Image Ads

Enabling your ad units to display both text and image/rich media ad types, increases the number of ads competing to appear on your site. More advertisers in the ad auction drives higher bids and more revenue for you. On average, publishers see a 59% increase in eCPM earnings when they make these recommended changes. If you’re not already using both, then it’s as simple as going into the ‘My ads’ tab, and clicking on ‘Edit ad type’, next to the ad in the list. This will increase the cost per click, so even if you’re not improving the number of clicks that your website is getting, you’ll still make more money.

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